Terms and Conditions
The hiring of goods commences from 9.00am on the 28th day from the date of full payment. The hire period is 3 days from the commencement date/ time (unless otherwise agreed) Hire period ceases at 5.00pm on 3rd day of hire unless prior arrangement is made at the time of booking.
Movement of equipment:
The Top Table Company authorises the hirer to pick up and return any equipment.
The Hirer shall have complete responsibility for any damage that may be done to any equipment during the movement and setup of goods.
The Top Table Company shall ensure all equipment is stacked and ready for loading for a collection. On return Hirer shall unload in direction of The Top Table Company staff.
On delivery and collection of equipment area must be accessible, furniture is unloaded from transport and must be stacked ready for staff of The Top Table Company to load on collection.
All equipment must be returned in clean, dry condition. Any decoration used on items must be removable with no residue left.
No nails or permanent fixtures are to be used on any items without consent of The Top Table Company’s ,permission must be given in writing. If used without consent this will incur a fee to clean or repair damage.
All furniture must not be left outside, unless in a covered area free from all weather conditions.
On delivery and collection of equipment area must be accessible, furniture is unloaded from transport and must be stacked ready for staff of The Top Table Company to load on arrival.
Collection bookings a the hirer will require a minimum of 2 people to assist with lifting and loading of furniture.
The Top Table Company shall ensure all equipment is packed up and ready for loading.
The Top Table Company does not have to be present at the time of pick up and the hirer will load equipment on the grounds that there is no damage or missing items unless The top Table Company is otherwise notified.
The Hirer or their authorised agent must be present when The Top Table Company checks the equipment at time of return. If the hirer fails to be present they shall not be entitled to subsequently dispute the amount of, or condition of, the equipment recorded in writing as returned by The Top Table Company at the time of return.
Delivery charge is a minimum 0-30km $60, any kms after is charged at $2 a km
Owner's Right to Terminate
The Top Table Company may terminate the hire at any time without reason by giving the Hirer 48 hours written notice. Such notice may be given either verbally or via email. The Top Table Company shall not be responsible to the Hirer for any loss arising as a result of such termination.
Cancellation Fees
If the Hirer terminates the agreement within 28 days of the commencement of hire the Hirer shall be obliged to pay The Top Table Company a sum equivalent to hire fees.
Return of Equipment
If the Hirer does not return the goods to the stipulated delivery address by the date of termination of the hiring the Hirer is obliged to pay The Top Table Company the full rate for the goods for the period of delayed return.
The person hiring for and on behalf of the Hirer (if not personally the Hirer) warrants that he has the authority of the Hirer to make this contract on the Hirer's behalf and that he is empowered by the Hirer to bind the Hirer to this agreement. The person so signing hereby indemnifies The Top Table Company against all losses and costs that may be incurred by The Top Table Company arising out of the person so signing the agreement failing to have such power of authority.
The minimum charge for any hiring will be the rate for 3 days irrespective of the length of hire. All Reservations/Contracts are subject to The Top Table Company Terms and Conditions of Hire whether or not this document has been signed.
The Hirer is to pay a non refundable deposit of 20% of the total charges to The Top Table Company at time of booking.
Full payment from the Hirer to The Top Table Company is required 28 days before hiring commences. This payment will consist of the total charges and an appropriate bond. (refund will be made to the Hirer on returning the equipment in good order and condition. Should total charges exceed the amount of the bond the balance is payable by the Hirer promptly on return.)
The Hirer by accepting the goods or services agrees to the terms and conditions as laid down by The Top Table Company and agrees to pay any costs of collection and all legal fees incurred by the The Top Table Company’s directors in the event of legal action becoming necessary.
Where payment is not made by the due date, The Top Table Company reserves the right to charge default interest at the rate of 15% above its overdraft rate.
Care of Equipment:
The Hirer shall take proper care of the equipment and shall indemnify The Top Table Company against any damage or loss or from theft. The Hirer must reimburse the The top Table Company in full for any damage or loss immediately upon termination of hire.
The Hirer warrants that he is competent and qualified to use the equipment in the way or which it is designed.
It is the Hirers responsibility to satisfy himself that the equipment is suitable for the work intended and that it is used in a way that complies with all statutory requirements.
The equipment does not purport to be new stock or equal to new, but when sent out all items are understood to be in good condition and fit for normal use.
The Top Table Company is not liable for any loss suffered by the Hirer or liability incurred by the Hirer as a result of the breakdown of the equipment howsoever caused. In the event of breakdown the Hirer must immediately notify the Owner by telephone.
Injury or Damage to Hirer or Third persons or Property:
The Hirer shall not have any claim against The Top Table Company for loss or damage suffered by the Hirer as a result of the Hirer's use of the equipment and further the Hirer will indemnify the The Top Table Company against any claim by a third person in respect of any loss, injury or liability arising from this hiring or arising out of the use of the equipment hired by the Hirer.
All goods are hired clean and free from defect and must be returned in the same condition. The bond will be withheld if there is damage or loss of equipment. After an assessment of any damage or loss, an invoice for damages or loss will be given.
Mini guest package must be used in a smoke free environment.
Use of goods:
The hirer shall not sublet the equipment to any other person but this shall not prevent employees of the hirer using the equipment in conformity with this agreement.
The Hirer shall forthwith on request by The Top Table Company advise the whereabouts of the equipment and allow reasonable time to inspect and test the equipment and for such purposes the Hirer hereby gives irrevocable leave and licence to take possession of the equipment remove the same and to enter upon any premises where the equipment or any of the same or any part thereof may be.
Where a quote is given by The Top Table Company for goods and services: The quotation shall be valid for thirty (10) days from the date of issue and the quotation shall be exclusive of Goods and Services Tax unless specifically stated to the contrary. Where goods and services are required in addition to the quotation the customer agrees to pay for the additional cost of such goods and services. A deposit is required on confirmation of order.
No claim relating to goods and services will be considered unless made within seven (3) days of completion of goods and services.
As we are living in a new reality of a COVID world and ever changing alert levels, the possibility of Covid restrictions can no longer be deemed as unforeseen circumstances. Planning and booking any party or event comes with a risk. If alert levels change or there are other restrictions placed by government and your event cannot go ahead.
TTTC understand the uncertainty and will offer the option to rebook your event ( subject to availability ), or offer a full credit, or all of the above standard booking conditions and cancellation time frames will apply.